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Hi there! I was user mark on the OSI forums. Thanks for setting this up. I’ve been severely disappointed that OSI has so thoroughly stifled discussion on their own forums in the period leading up to the launch (and still, as far as I know). This will perhaps provide an alternative, though I also wonder whether we cannot get some sense talked into them. It is a supreme irony to me that they’ve closed off serious discussion on their own forums while advertising the openness and supposed co-creative ntaure of their processes.
It’s been a labour of love getting all this set up, researching the historical versions of the license, setting up the repos, etc. all the while fighting the dumpster fire of the OSAID with the other hand.
Fortunately, folks like @giacomo have been helping out, particularly around coming up with a credible alternative that solves the problem without all the risk of driving a wedge through the industry.
Many hands make light work and all are welcome to contribute — we don’t have or want 7-figure budgets as they create vulnerabilities (indeed we don’t accept commercial contributions), so feel free to take the lead and fix anything you come across, or just contribute to the discussion.
A former board pronounced that “a process that is not open cannot be trusted to produce a product that can be considered open”, and we wholeheartedly agree. That’s why the OSAID is invalid even before diving into its myriad flaws.
Thanks for the invitation.
Love the initiative! I wonder if we can have any real influence over the definition of open-source accepted as official? Anyone still at the OSI backing/promoting the OSAID initiative?
The OSI and the FSF have been the face of open-source/free software for so long… Gonna be hard for people to accept any other authority, especially considering what’s currently happening…
Not to dis on the initiative, I actually think it’s much needed, and I’m happy to publicly support you as much as I can.
Is there are any similar initiatives that we could partner with?
Tbh, I think we should take a pragmatic grassroots approach, and convince enough big projects to call themselves by this definition, instead of (desperately?) trying to become the “official definition” all of a sudden because some board said so.
The OSI’s legitimacy comes from community consensus, and in our opinion they have lost both; they have been acting like a US-based business league representing the interests of their sponsors and should be treated as such by the international community.
On one hand we have been highlighting the myriad flaws in the OSI’s process and product (OSAID) while casting off this life raft, and on the other we’re imagining the future (e.g. the WIP). We are subject to the same constraints, and without clear community consensus for what is like a constitutional amendment, we’re stuck with OSD v1.9, which is fine and certainly better than the alternative. That’s why we’ve also kicked off the Open Source Declaration.
You’ll note that we don’t talk much about the OSI & OSAID much here, because we’re focusing on a positive path forward; there are other forums for that, and I cover a lot of it on my blog as part of my work for Kwaai. You’re of course welcome to do your part there too.
The internet routes around damage, so we must do the same.